1.1 Castle Siege Basics
1.2 Siege Participants Requirements
1.3 Time frame for registering for a siege
1.4 Siege Battle Basics
1.5 Siege Players
1.6 Deployment
1.7 Warping in Loren
1.8 Castle Siege System
1.9 Creating a Life Stone
1.10 The Castle Gates
1.11 Guardian Statues
1.12 Guard towers
1.13 Dragon Tower
1.14 Siege weapons
1.15 Registering the official seal
Castle Siege Basics
Move to Lorencia (239, 13) to enter the Loren Canyon, or use Warp menu.
There are no restrictions for entering Loren canyon.
Loren valley is a PVP enabled area.
During Siege, you can attack other participants without pressing Ctrl.
Siege Participants Requirements
A participating guild must have a Guild master with at least 200 levels (regardless of class).
A participating guild must have at least 20 members in their guild.
If the guild that owns the castle disbands, they will lose ownership of the castle.
Only 3 guilds + allies can join the siege.
Time frame for registering for a siege
On our servers, we have an automatic registration - the top 3 guilds by Prestige (takes into account Guild Buff, achievements, equipment, VIP accounts, and active Power buffs) are allowed to participate. Registration is processed at 12:00 on Sunday.
Siege Battle Basics
When the guild of a registrant is selected, the invading team and their allies will have a sword icon, and defending and their allies will have a shield icon.
PK penalty do not apply between the guilds of the invading and defending teams.
The above condition is applicable to the Loren Valley only.
PK penalty will not be applied to both invading and defending teams but will be applicable to other characters who are not participants.
The Guild Masters will have a crown mark on the top instead of sword or shield mark.
Guild registration/withdrawal during the battle is not allowed.
Siege Players
Guild Master for invading team:

Guild Master for Defending team:

Guild Member for invading team:

Guild Member for Defending team:
The invading team will have a sword icon and the defending team will have a shield on top of their character.
The guild master will have a crown icon instead of sword or shield. (A blue crown for the defending team and a red one for invading team)
Basic Policy and Winning condition
The union under the invading/defending team will automatically include each invading/defending team.
Range attack can give 80% reduced damage to the own troops and 50% reduced damage for the other troops.
To win the siege the guild master's official seal should be registered in the pedestal located at the dragon tower and if it succeeds the lord of a castle will be changed.
Only the guild master can stamp the official seal in pedestal.
2 camps of invading/defending team will be exchanged.
The guild with their official seal stamped at the end of the siege will be the lord of a castle.
Crown Switch:

Closed Crown:

Open Crown:
Warping in Loren
The guild that owns the castle (including the united guild) can warp through Loren canyon to go to the castle.
Warp command cannot be used during the Siege Warfare, but the defending team can warp if front of the castle by using "Town portal scroll".
Castle Siege System
Loren Mini Maps:

Life Stone:
Status, command system
For the guild members of invading/defending teams, there's a display of the siege status (mini map) at the lower right side of their screen
Only the guild master or assistant guild master of the invading team can use the life stone. Once the life stone is created, it functions as a respawn point for the entire guild.
When the invading team's character gets killed, he will respawn from the life stone and not from the outside of the castle.
When the invading team's guild member (including the united guild) gets killed, he will respawn nearer the battle zone.
Can only be used by the invading team.
Due to its special powers, it will restore HP/MP/AG to the invading team's characters around it (3 tiles) at a certain time.
Life Stones can be destroyed when attacked by the invading/defending teams.
Life Stones cannot be used more than 3 times per siege.
Creating a Life Stone
Life Stones can be created through the chaos mix
Life stone formula = Jewel of bless 30x + Jewel of soul 30x + Jewel of life x30 + Jewel of creation x30 + Jewel of guardian 10x + Jewel of chaos x30 + 1kkk zen
The Castle Gates
The castle gates have defensive power/durability (HP) and can only be attacked during the siege. Weapon durability is greatly reduced when attacking the castle gates, therefore it is strongly advised to take a Potion of Bless or Soul before attacking.
When an alliance guild wins the castle while the castle gates are destroyed, the gates will not be restored until the siege is over.
The castle gates can be upgraded up to a maximum of 3 stages of defensive power and durability. (upgrading and restoring is not possible during the battle)
The castle gates are divided into 3 parts; an outer part, a middle part, and an inner part It is possible to penetrate the castle even if only one gate is destroyed.
Gate Closed

Gate Open
Guardian Statues
Guardian Statues:

Destroyed Guardian Statues:
When all 4 statues inside the castle have been destroyed, the shield blocking the entrance into the Dragon Tower vanishes.
Only the players of the defending team can enter through the shield.
Recover HP/MP/AG around the guardian statue and the recovery rate can be upgraded up to a maximum of 3 stages.
The Guardian statues have defensive power/durability (HP) and can only be attacked during the siege. Weapon durability is greatly reduced when attacking the Guardian statues, therefore it is strongly advised to take a Potion of Bless or Soul before attacking.
Guardian statues can be upgraded up to a maximum of 3 stages of defensive power and durability. (upgrading and restoring is not possible during the battle)
Destroy 4 Guardian statues to proceed to the Dragon tower.
Guard towers
Guard towers play a role in protecting the Guardian statues once the battle starts.
Guard towers attack invading parties around them.
Guard towers can be attacked just like Guardian statues or Castle gates.
Dragon Tower
This huge tower is located at the top of the castle. The tower is divided into a shielded entrance and an upper floor.
The upper floor of the Dragon Tower houses a pedestal with the official seal of the lord of the castle.
The entrance to the Dragon tower is protected by the shield which the invading team's forces.
To penetrate the Dragon tower all 4 Guardian statues need to be destroyed.
Siege weapons
The siege weapons are placed at the respective fields of the invading and defending teams.
Click siege weapons to view the menu to select the attacking location.
Players can view the location being attacked when using the siege weapons.
Registering the official seal
The upper floor of the Dragon tower houses a pedestal with the official seal of the lord of the castle.
When the guild master of the alliance succeeds in registering the official seal with the pedestal, their sword symbols will turn into shields and they will now have to defend the castle.
The guild with their official seal registered at the end of the siege will be the lord of the castle.
Note: during a siege, you do not have to hold down Ctrl to hit the enemy. You can also hit your allies, so be careful when using mass skills.
Attention: if you are a member of a guild or alliance that is participating in the siege, then during the event your cursor will become a combat cursor in all locations, without having to press Ctrl.
Most often, parties of 5 people are concluded. The most common party consists of two BK and one elf, SM and DL, where each has his own role:
Blade Knight – firepower, gives inner (hp buff) to members of his party
Soul Master – gives MS (Soul Barrier) to party members, moves opponents in the throne room with Lighting, tries to protect the elves supporting the fire, and can also hold the Crown Switch.
Muse Elf – gives a buff to all members of a friendly alliance, slows down enemies with Ice Arrow
Dark Lord – summons the party closer to the battlefield, tanks on the button, moves opponents from the throne and button using the horse skill, crit baff and melee
Magic Gladiator is a fighting power with low defense. It has a very important debuff that cuts off 30% of the opponent's defense.
Roles and tasks may change depending on the ingenuity of the GM, so before a siege, it is best to ask your GM about your role.
Some tips:
Before the start of the siege, buy more HP cans so as not to jump during the game, and if something happens, throw a couple of cans to your ally.
Buy also 8 town teleport pieces. A very useful thing in case the DL cannot add
Throw stats wisely. Incorrect distribution can result in complete failure.