Dungeon map has undergone a complete reconstruction. It is no longer divided into floors. All territories are unified and represent one huge dungeon where players will wander in search of special monsters and valuable drop.
Ancient Set Items Drop
Dungeon is the only location, except Land of Trials where from special monsters you can get Ancient items:
Upgraded Death King Event
Every four hours at the end of the maze of dungeon,
the head boss Death King appear | 00:50 | 04:50 | 08:50 | 12:50 | 16:50 | 20:50 |
By killing him you can get valuable Excellent items, and his strength fully corresponds to his drop.
Weapons: Kundun Staff, Sword of Destruction, Arrow Viper Bow, Dark Reign Blade, Great Lord Scepter
Shields: Chaos Dragon, Grand Soul, Elemental
Armors: Grand Soul, Black Dragon, Dark Phoenix, Divine, Thunder Hawk, Glorious
Death Bones accompany him, they respawn all over the map randomly
They drop special buffs, that temporarily increase your character's stats. Simultaneously you can use only one buff. Buffs disappear upon exiting the game.
Scroll of Speed | |
+50 Attach Speed | 60 minutes | |
Scroll of Power | |
+250 Damage | 60 minutes | |
Scroll of Defense | |
+500 Defense | 60 minutes | |
Strange Food | +2500 Health | 60 minutes | ||
Goblet of Mana | +2500 Mana | 60 minutes |
Addional Special Monters
Apart from that normal newbie spots are still intact on the map. Spot area is separated from the rest of the map in such a way that bosses from the main territory do not wander there.