About Devil Square

Enter as one of 15 warriors to engage the forces of Kundun as they spawn in front of you in an endless barrage of attacks. Either alone or in a team only the strongest will survive Devil Square.

With the Devil Square Invitation, you are granted access into Devil Square, where your strength will be tested.

Entry Requirements

  • You must craft an Devil Square Invitation to enter Devil Square.
  • Devil Square Invitation is crafted via Chaos Goblin Machine.
  • The crafting ingredients (Devil's Key and Devil's Eye) can be obtained from monster drops or in Yoskreth.
  • Additionally, you'll also need one Jewel of Chaos for the crafting.

  • Blood Fang Scroll of Archangel Jewel of Chaos Invisibility Cloak
    Blood Fang Plus Scroll of Archangel Plus Jewel of Chaos Equals Invisibility Cloak

    Required Level

    Devil Square Level Character level Magic Gladiator/Dark Lord level
    1 15-80 10-60
    2 131-180 11-160
    3 181-230 161-210
    4 231-280 211-260
    5 281-330 261-310
    6 331-400 311-400

    You can find BC entry in Arkania (218.91)

    Devil Square Rules

  • A minimum of 1 player must enter, or it will not start.
  • A maximum of 15 players can join in a single instance.
  • Entry limit per 24 hours: 3 entries.
  • Party is allowed and can be formed inside the Devil Square map.
  • Any character with a PK Status cannot enter the Devil Square map.
  • Combat adjustments:
    • No penalty upon character death.
    • PVP is not allowed.

  • Reward

    For a comprehensive breakdown of the reward of the Devil Square Winner, refer to the table below.

    Devil Square Level Reward
    1 Lilac Candy Box
    2 Lilac Candy Box
    3 Lilac Candy Box
    4 Lilac Candy Box
    5 Lilac Candy Box
    6 Lilac Candy Box
    7 Pink Chocolate Box

    Currently this is only one server.
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