Server currency

"Silver Coin" used for:
* Buy VIP: Here
* Buy items in Webshop: Here
* Buy character in Character Market: Here
* Buy items in website Market: Here
* Sell Coins in Currency Market (sell for Gold Coins or Zen to other players): Here
* Hide character Info (Inventory items, Location): Here
* Change character Name: Here
Warning: Coins CAN NOT exchange to Gold Coins / W Coins (C)
"Gold Coin" used for:
How to get "Gold & Silver Coins":
Invite Friend (Referral System):
100/200/300 Silver (for each account)
On Web
Vote for our Server:
15 Silver
On Web
Make Reset:
10 Silver
In Game
Kill: Pouch of Blessing:
1 Silver
In Game
Castle Siege:
1000 Gold (to Guild Master)
In Game