In-game commands

Commands window

Press D button to open commands. There you will see commands, that your player can do. Alternative way - /"command".

Most actions of this command window, you can do after placing the cursor on the target.

Q, W, E, by default, is for elixir use. But you can change it by your choice (for town teleport, bless potion e.t.c.). Place your cursor on an item, press CTRL and choose fast button (Q, W, E, R).

"D" menu

Commands for communication

/post - Posts global message (Public)
@ - Send Guild message
@@ - Send a message to the alliance
@> - Guild Notice (Guild Master function)
~ - Send a Party message
# - Your message will be displayed for 35 seconds

/mute "nickname" - ignore all messages from decided user. You can ignore only one user in same time. If you would like to disable "ignore" function, just enter /mute command without nickname, or just make a switch

Commands for stat points

/addstr - Adds strength points (example. /addstr 123)
/addagi - Adds agility points (example. /addagi 123)
/addvit - Adds vitality points (example. /addvit 123)
/addene - Adds energy points (example. /addene 123)
/addcom - Adds command points (example. /addcom 123)
/setstats - Set all stats points at once (example. /setstats 250 200 100 500)

Commands for Party

/party - Create a Party; invite people to current party
/request on /request off - Toggles requests for deals, party, and trade on and off
/ap on - To accept all the people to auto-party
/ap on 300 – To accept people up to 300 level (you can specify any level)
/ap on 400 gold – To only accept characters suitable for Gold Party
/ap on 200 gold – To accept characters up to 200 level, suitable for Gold Party (you can specify any level)
/ap off – To turn off the AP mode
/summon - teleport your Party members who have reached level 200 to the Stadium if your guild owns the castle
/stay on - Disables teleport, when you are in party (summon skill, Mass teleport skill, /summon command)
/stay off - Switch off /stay on command
/partyleader *nickname* - Give another player "partyleader"

Command for Jewels

/mix Chaos
/mix Life
/mix Creation
/mix Guardian
/mix Gemstone
/mix Harmony
/mix HRS
/mix LRS
/mix ancient
/mix luck
/mix goldsmith
/mix "jewel name" 10/20/30 - Create a bundle of jewels (example /mix Life 20, /mixHRs 10)
/unmix "jewel name" - dismantle jewels

Commands for PVP

/duel - Challenges other player to a duel
/battlesoccer - Challenges opposing guild to Battle Soccer
/guildwar - Declare a guild duel
/jointdm - Adds you to the Team Deathmatch Event participant list
/pk - Command to view your PK level

Others commands

/stuck - Refreshes your character's view, potentially helping if you cannot see the boss in Endless Tower. OR Manually releases Blood Castle gates, in case if they are stuck in a visual bug
/skipwave - Allows you to skip the current wave in Endless Tower if it has glitched. The command can only be used once per event and only if there are no more than 5 monsters left
/quest - Hint for your current quest
/move "map name" - Teleport to your desired location
/trade - Initiate Trade
/item name - View item information
/assemble - Allows guild master to instantly summon Assistant and all Battle Masters
/gift - Get a present (Only for VIP accounts and works only 1 time per day)
/lottery - Use lottery (You need to buy ticket via our website)
/bc or /bclimit - when you need to know, how many times you can visit Blood castle today.
/skipquest - Skip current Random quest

Emotions expression commands

/Hi /Hello /Welcome - Bow (greeting)
/^^ /Haha - Laugh
/; /Sorry - Scratch head
/-_- /Huh - Cross arms
/Great - Raises both arms
/Bye - Wave
/Cold - Rubs arms
/Come - Hand gesture
/Cry - Crying
/Never /Not - “No” gesture
/Good/Nice/Wow - Clap
/OK/Again - Raise hand
/Respect/Defeated - Kneel
/Rush - Lead your hand forward
/Sir - Salute
/That/There - Points
/Victory/Win - Victory pose / kisses
/Tired - Yawning
/Dance - Dance
/Hustle - Hustle
/Pooh - Cross arms
/Look around - Look around

Currently this is only one server.
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